CONiTA 2023



Conference of the Nigeria Trade Associations (CONiTA) said to be the foremost gathering of diverse trade association seeking to evolve sustainable models and to harness their common potentials in drive enabling policies and recommendations for inclusive growth, good governance and shared prosperity for achieving the Africa Agenda 2063 as well as the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 held its’ 5th Edition on Thursday 26th October, 2023 at LCCI Conference and Exhibition Centre, Ikeja, Lagos.

Conference of Nigeria Trade Association is a platform that gives a voice for professional associations, service organizations, artisans and manufacturers operating both at the formal and informal sector. While the Conference had in attendance diverse professionals and tradesmen, speakers took turn to present their papers and feeding questions as they come.

Mrs. Maltida Ajibola Sipeolu, Governor of the Association of Professional Wedding Engagement Coordinators of Nigeria (APWECON) also known as Alagba Ijoko/Iduro in her presentation alarmed on the farm produce  and animal stock that are often perished before arrival to the State occasioned by unavoidable delay, staying longer on the road than necessary due to bad-road/logistics, thereby causing scarcity and hunger, she said this usually impedes economy growth. Citing a peculiar example; she said one of the problems that farm produce and livestock farmers are facing is the insensitivity attitude of Nigerian towards Nigerians, she beckons on parents to bring up their children with cognizance to human kindness and be empathic towards each other. The manner at which buyers underprice their stocks is very dissuading for entrepreneurship, some of them will be waiting by the side to allow the stock deteriorate so they can bargain for a very ridiculous price, especially food and livestock.

While contributing to the discourse Mr. Uwanni Samson of Lagos Estate Management Associations (LASEMA) recur the contribution of the Late Gani Fawehinmi and Fela Anikulapo Kuti as a great activists devoted for a better Nigeria, he beckoned on the National Orientation Agency (NOA) to strive more in their duties to corporations, groups, individual and Nigerians at large if we must accelerate economic growth and development in modern Nigeria, however in his submission he adjudged Lagos State as the fore-runner of economic development compared to other States in Nigeria.

Mr. Gbolahan Akinsanya, One of the Executives of the Lagos State Council of Tradesmen and Artisans (LOCOSTA) stressed the need for all players in the informal sector, all forms of Artisans, traders and farmers to come together as one, unite and work tactically in order to aid the acceleration of economic growth and development while stressing on the impact of the Conference so far where he implored the organizers to incorporate programmes that  yields crystal clear impacts on her members and other participants.

Mr. Olajide Hammed, a representative of Lagos State Aluminum Fabrication Association of Nigeria (LASAFA) lamented over low patronage for Artisans services and inability to get paid after job completion due to the used inferior gadgets and tools in the market, and like to know what the Standard Organizations of Nigeria (SON) are doing concerning the inferior quality of materials that are circulating in the market.

Engr. Lukeman Hussein, executive of the Earth Moving and Construction Equipment Association, Lagos State Chapter, appreciated the leadership of Lagos State government for carrying them along in service, he called on other States and all the three-tiers of government across the country to demonstrate their leadership by providing the needed infrastructure to ease the transportation of goods as this is a major factor that ensures condition for acceleration of economic growth that we all crave to have.

Mr. Yakubu Mohammed, general secretary of the Lagos State Professional Photographer Association of Nigeria (LASPPAN), emphasized on the importance of data for all categories of trade associations and the need to lead through applications of visions and objectives of the associations, “so let’s caution our leaders where necessary”; in the words of Prof. Patrick Lumumba he said “the day Nigeria becomes great, that is the day Africa becomes great”.

Olajumoke Abraham-Agbelusi, first vice president of the Lagos State Caterers and Decorators Association (LSCDA) called on participants to check their individual practices in their respective trade associations with the motive of setting priority in their engagements with the government and desist from the selfish desire of taking up job or opportunity that are meant for other groups or members.

Mr. Alex Okelola Abiodun, President of the Nigerian Association of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Practitioners (NARAP) called on the State government and the Estate Management Associations to look into the way architects and builders are constructing building in current times because their members are running into causalities due to inadequate provision of safety measures required in moving items such as aircondioners, condenser and working at the high rising buildings.

Mr. Thompson John  who spoke on behalf of Mrs. Taiwo Abiose, Head of entrepreneurship department of the Lagos Ministry of Wealth Creation & Employment admonished the participants to imbibe innovative thinking and technology  in their day to day operation siting his experience during an official visit to Japan where artisans are striving in driving the economy, he also encouraged operators in the informal sector to welcome training in their respective operation as it is the only way they can improve, attain growth and accelerate economic development, noting that the Ministry are always open for their educational – training needs.

Dr. Nelson Obine, Co-Convener and President of the Institute of Trade Association Management in his paper presentation titled Prerequisite for Acceleration of Economic Growth and Development in Modern Nigeria cited gift of palliative, ease of transportation by rail across and within some Nigeria States as the major strategy in place for Economic Development recently. Dr. Obine said it is imperative for all tiers of government and large corporations to recognize the informal sector as an unequivocal agent for accelerated economic growth and development. Succinctly, in his recommendation, he said good governance is imperative, the practice of freedom of association and expression should be in place with adherence to the Rule of law; drive industrialization focusing on Small, Micro and Medium Scale Enterprises; Stabilize the macroeconomic environment with low inflation, stable exchange rates; reduce the burden of taxes, and fees on stalls and shops on small businesses; use agriculture to achieve food security, create jobs and save foreign exchange for food imports. Dr. Obine reiterated further that as an individual, you should stop the destruction of properties, adhere to rules and guidelines in your respective associations, locality and the society at large.

Mr. Taiwo Sowore,  National Co-ordinator of the Association of Computer Engineers & Technicians of Nigeria  in a concluding remark advised the current leaders to build upon the success of past leaders by Incumbent government irrespective of the level of leadership whether from Local, State, Federal or private sector instead of starting a whole new elephant project; put a good reward system in place where good are rewarded and evil are punished, and improvement in the supply of Power-electricity to all.

While the turnout was impressive with quality conversations; Dr. Obine thanked participants for attendance and extended appreciation to all the partners and sponsors who had showed support in making the event a success including Institute of Trade Association Management, First Bank, Guinness Nigeria, and Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc.

The Conference has so far held five editions since it started in year 2018 with theme “Harnessing the Power of Trade Associations for Good Governance, Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity”. The theme for 2019 was “Convergence of Informal Sector and Trade Associations for Sustainable Development”; Theme of the conference in year 2021 was ‘Governance and Economic Prosperity in a Pandemic World’. Theme for 2022 edition was “The Place of Small and Micro Enterprise for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa; while the theme for the just concluded edition 2023 is “Economy for Accelerated Growth and Economic Development in Nigeria” both of them witnessed support and participation from diverse sectors and industry and remained a voice in the drive for sustainable development.